Coffee Club Network
Join us as we host Nina Anderson, founding owner Express Employment Professionals. Nina will discuss programs and support for small business hiring and job seekers in Western Colorado. As a Human Resources professional her specialties are Compensation strategy design and implementation. Recruiting, screening, testing, and interviewing. Employee relations and performance coaching.
Nina has a personal and professional mission of helping as many business leaders as possible. She is committed to supporting the development of job seekers that are prepared with the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attributes in their current occupation or to begin a path to learn an occupation. She believes it is through partnerships and alliances including educational institutions, governmental entities and employers that workforce will be prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities they will face in the workplace.
Coffee Club is a collaboration with F*works, the Business Incubator Center, and Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce, . Every 3rd Friday of the month 9am - 10am in the Fruita Civic Center 325 East Aspen St on the second floor.
Nina is looking forward to having a cup with the small business community in Fruita. Thanks for attending, we will see you for coffee Friday, November 18 at 9am...
Coffee Club at F*works HoPes to provide benefit professionally to small businesses and connection to the community. Networking with Coffee Club mixes businesses looking to discuss their small business experience and provide informative subjects of interest to the local small business community, beyond just spreading the word about their business.

Date and Time
Friday Nov 18, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MST
Friday, November 18 from 9 am - 10 am
Fruita Civic Center
325 East Aspen St on the second floor
No fee to attend!