Coffee Club Network
Joining F*works, The Business Incubator Center, and the Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce in November is Josh Brady!
Time for taxes? Seems like a constant and always good to be planning your business filing. Josh Brady will be with us to share what may be new for 2024 we should be aware of for our small businesses.
Josh is with Palmer Brady & Company PLLC providing tax preparation, full accounting service, and broad spectrum of financial and business needs.
Josh is looking forward to having a cup with the business community in Fruita. Thanks for attending, we will see you for coffee Friday, November 17th at 9am...We'll be in our conference room adjoining the F*works co-working space on the 2nd floor.
Coffee Club at F*works and the Fruita Chamber aim to provide benefit professionally to small businesses and connection to the community. Networking with Coffee Club mixes businesses looking to discuss their small business experience and provide informative subjects of interest to the local small business community, beyond just spreading the word about their business.
Date and Time
Friday Nov 17, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MST
Friday, November 17th from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
325 E Aspen Ave
Fruita, CO 81521
F Works Conference Room
No fee to attend!